TRANSplants Zine is edited by Aster Olsen with support from whichever friends she can successfully cajole into helping her. It is published irregularly, for now.

Physical copies are sold on my bigcartel shop and digital copies are on itch and gumroad.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions are currently open for Issue 3.

If you are trans/queer and have writing or art about place and transness, I want to hear from you! Don’t consider yourself a writer? Don’t think you have something to say? I especially want to feature you!

How to submit?

Please use this google form link

What to submit?

One submission at a time, please. Maximum of 4000 words. Simultaneous submissions are fine, as are reprints.

I encourage you to submit what you are most passionate about, whatever you feel called/compelled to do. Any form, any genre (anything from a personal essay to comics to fantasy to photos with captions and beyond). It must be connected in some manner to place and transness, however you interpret that.

Please send me your final drafts. I will provide a round of feedback and edits, and love to help bring something across the line, but this is a one woman operation.

What to avoid?

No AI at all. In any manner.

No manifestos unless they’re really good.

This is not a venue for your personal grudge/vendetta.

Can non trans people submit?

I’m primarily looking to amplify everyday trans life and people, particularly trans women. If you are a cis person who is culturally trans through relationships, friend groups, etc, and think you have something to contribute, it is possible I will include your work; it depends on what you send me!

Issue 1

The first print run of 150 copies is sold out. A second printing might happen at some point though. For now it is available as pay what you want (including free) on itch and gumroad.

Issue 1 is available on my bigcartel shop.

A full color zine filled with original fiction, art, and essay focused on transness and place.

Featuring art and writing from:

Ari Drennen
Maxine West
Victoria Scott
Aster Olsen
Madi Gali
Camille Beasley
Lorrin B.

58 pages. 5.5″ x 8.5″.